Do you own a blog, website, or regularly post content on social media? Do your posts provide help, suggestions, tips or guides for people? If so that's great and your readers/viewers want you to continue to work on putting this great content together. They don't necessarily expect you do this for nothing, for no reward. Your investment in time can be substantial if you add it all up. You might get disheartened or distracted if all the benefit is flowing one way, away from you. What if there was a way for you to get some benefit from all this? What if your readers/viewers/followers could, through their purchases, and at no extra cost to them, enable you to get some income from your effort? Wouldn't that encourage you to keep producing more great content for your followers?
How to Earn Money Online?
By joining the Vendexo Affiliate Network as an affiliate, you can choose advertisers/merchants that you would like to work with. If they have products or services which your readers/followers would be interested in, then you can use a special hyperlink in your content, or an advertisment alongside your content which, when clicked, will take the reader to the advertiser's website. If the reader then purchases from that website, you could earn a percentage of that sale. This does not result in the reader paying any more for that product or service. Merchants typically calculate a percentage of their revenue as a budget for advertising and marketing. They are happy to send some of this your way for sending them a customer.
The Vendexo Affiliate Network provides affiliates with a way to locate relevant products to mention in your content, to see what the commission rates are, and to locate creative text and images to use in their content, be that in a blog, website or on social media. As an affiliate, we make one convenient payment to you each month* incorporating the commissions from all products and services earned via the Network.
How Does It Work?
Click through the tabs to see the process!

You have one or more websites, write articles, blogs or post regularly post on social media and have a readership who follow you and read what you produce.
You would like to let your readers know about interesting products & services and also earn a commission on each sale that you refer.

You decide that you will mention some products or services in your content to earn some extra income, and sign up as an affiliate on the Vendexo Affiliate Network.
You look for advertisers/merchants to work with. The merchants may provide product text and images which you can use on your website, or you can simply use a special URL in your content. You simply copy and paste some HTML or a special link into your content.

You write your articles, reviews, blogs or search engine ads, and include the product text, images, or just the special hyperlink.
The links that you incorporate include your affiliate code which ensures that you get credit for any resulting referral/sales fee.

Your readers are enjoying your product reviews and articles, and now you have a way to get paid to write even more.
Vendexo tracks every click on the special links in or on the ads that you place next to your content, and credits you for any resulting sale.

You can check your balance, sales and click-through statistics online, and see how much to expect in your next monthly payment.
You now have more time to work on your next article or social media post for your readers to enjoy.
Key Points
- Affiliates can lookup merchants and products which they can then mention in their online content and on which they can earn commissions.
- They can view the sales commission rates on offer, and also if merchants are offering referral fees for clicks, visits or goals (e.g. leads.)
- Affiliates can log into their account on the Vendexo Affiliate Network and view the statistics for their links. They can easily see which are performing well, and which not. They can see the commissions they have earned and the current balance on their account.
- Affiliates receive a monthly payment from Vendexo covering all of their commission fees. Payments are processed on the 22nd of each month or the nearest working day following that date should it fall on a weekend or public holiday.
- Commissions on sales made in one month can be paid out in the following month, although some merchants may specify an extra lag period for payment approval.
- Vendexo independently tracks all clicks on the affiliates' promotional links and the sales resulting from them. It then calculates the commission due to the affilitate.
More about Affiliate Marketing.
* Monthly payments are subject to having a minimum balance, otherwise payment is carried over to the next month.